
Vastalla at ESA’s Industry Space Days 2016

Vastalla will participate at ESA’s Industry Space Days 2016.

Industry Space Days (ISDs) are organised by ESA to bring together the main European players in the space sector. Their main purpose is to increase the involvement of SMEs in space activities and to foster cross-fertilisation between the different actors in the entire space sector.

The 6th edition will take place in ESTEC, ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands on 20th to 22nd September 2016.


ESA Industry Space Days 2016


London Space Week 2015 Logo

Vastalla at London Space Week 2015

Vastalla will be present at London Space Week 2015 in London, UK.

London Space Week is one of Europe’s major B2B Space events dedicated to space applications, launch vehicles, satellites and space related technologies. Organising partners are Royal Aeronautical Society and UK Space, the UK Space Trade Association.

The event will take place on 24th and 25th November, 2015 at Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, SE1 9DD and will host innovation conferences & workshops.

More information at London Space Week website.



H2020 Space Info day in Bruxelles, Belgium

Vastalla at H2020 Space Info day

Vastalla will participate at H2020 Space Info Day in Bruxelles, Belgium next 9-10 November. At the event representatives from the European Commission will explain the Space Work Programme for 2016-17 years.

Vastalla will take part at the brokerage session (B2B meetings) during the Space Info Day.

Use-it-wisely logo

Mid Term Review for UIW R&D project in Bruxelles

Vastalla took part at UIW R&D project’s Mid Term Review in Bruxelles, Belgium. Mid Term Review was held at Covent Garden on 26 May 2015. During the day-long meeting UIW partners presented the outcome so far of the project to the European Commission Project Officer. At the end of the day, the Project Officer and the Technical Project Officer made clear their satisfaction about the project work.

Italian Responsible Payment Code Logo

Vastalla joins Italian Responsible Payment Code

Vastalla joins the Italian Responsible Payment Code.

By signing this Code, the companies undertake to comply with the payment terms agreed upon with their suppliers and, more generally, to encourage efficient, timely, and fast payment practices.

The contents of the Code and its implementation procedures are extremely lean, in line also with its voluntary nature.

The Signatories of the Italian Responsible Payment Code undertake to pay suppliers on time:

  • Within the terms agreed at the outset of the contract;
  • Without changing payment terms retrospectively;
  • Reducing the payment terms specifically for smaller companies;

Furthemore the signatories give clear guidance to suppliers:

  • providing suppliers with clear and easily accessible guidance on payment procedures;
  • ensuring there is a system for dealing with complaints and disputes which is communicated to suppliers;
  • advising them promptly if there is any reason why an invoice will not be paid to the agreed terms.

The Italian Responsible Payment Code draws inspiration from the British Prompt Payment Code, which was strongly sponsored by the UK Government and by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).


CartoDB logo

Vastalla is partner and reseller of CartoDB

Vastalla announces its partnership with CartoDB, a leading company in cloud-based cartography.

CartoDB is a cloud based mapping, analysis and visualization engine that lets users build spatial applications for both mobile and the Web. Among its most important applications you can find those that visualize interactive maps with data coming from tweets exchanged on Twitter over time.

CartoDB is already used by clients like NASA, National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, Harvard University, United Nations and many others.

Vastalla is the first and sole Italian company which is CartoDB partner and reseller.

If you are interested on CartoDB solutions you can contact us writing an e-mail to or calling us.


Industry Space Days 2014

Vastalla at ESA’s Industry Space Days 2014

Vastalla will be present at ESA’s Industry Space Days 2014.

Industry Space Days (ISDs) are organised by ESA to bring together the main European players in the space sector. Their main purpose is to increase the involvement of SMEs in space activities and to foster cross-fertilisation between the different actors in the entire space sector.

The 5th edition will take place in ESTEC, ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, The Netherlands on 3rd & 4th June 2014.


Industry Space Days 2014